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Dan's Kidney

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Well, here I am at 6:00 a.m. unable to sleep since 4:30 a.m. Only one day until we leave for Omaha and I am not ready......so much to do. I am rather proud of myself as I have notepads lying about the house so that I can write down things to do as I think of them. This has worked well until last night when I lost the pad with the master list.....to quote Burns, "The Best Laid Plans O' Mice and Men Gang Aft Aglay." Our good friend Sharon saved me some potential problems when she mentioned that estimated tax payments to Uncle Sam were due by Sept. 15.

I am truly amazed at all the crap we must take with us for a 5 week stay. All of my snowbird friends look at me and smile and shake their heads. Stamps, address stamp, nail clippers, cell phone chargers, camera chargers, iPod chargers, calculator, files of medical records, bills to pay, last month's bank statement (so I can finally balance the check book), and ........oops, I almost forgot the Preparation H.

I did get a haircut yesterday...Sandy told me that I could not report to the medical center looking like a refugee living under an interstate overpass. I even shaved for the occasion. Besides keeping me on task, Sandy has been furiously working at the HMS media center to get things in order so as to assure a smooth continuation of operation in her absence. The beginning of the school year is the worst possible time for her to be gone. Thank you Sandy!!

Sorry that I don't have any pictures to post today, but afterall how exciting can a pic of a tube of Preparation H be????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picking a tube of Preparation H is as exciting as examining and selecting a tube of K-Y jelly! :-) mcm

3:28 PM  

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