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Dan's Kidney

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Saturday Night Fever

Hot under the collar perhaps but no actual fever and it actually is a carry over from Friday's experience at the med center. Friday started with a number of tests: blood draws, chest x-ray, and finally an ECG to check my heart rythems. After 3 tries, the tech handed me the readout of the ECG and the title printed across the top stood out like the old Camel cigarette sign in Times Square. Printed across the top were the works "Borderline Abnormal ECG." Needles to say this caused a significant degree of aprehension on my part.

At 11.00 a.m. we proceeded to our pre-op physical exams and a number of prodings and probings of various body parts. The Dr. explained to me that the ECG was no big deal and that many adults have "bad right branch bundles." I had believed that all my branches were fine; after all, I have not noticed any leaves droping since last fall. After answering enough question to satisfy the CIA, FBI, and my McDonalds coffee group, I was informed that I passed with flying colors. I am glad I stayed up late the night before studying for my urine test. It was now Sandy's turn and things began a downhill slide. I will let her relate "The Rest of the Story." (with apologies to Paul Harvey) in a post to follow Saturday afternoon or night or Sunday or whenever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

TESTS! TESTS! TESTS! Life is full of tests! I would rather SWEAT the South Dakota drivers' test this Wednesday than go through the examiniations you two endure! Prayers always! mcm

3:39 PM  

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