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Dan's Kidney

Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday Update

Well, to put everything in a nutshell, not much has happened since my last post. I am continuing to battle the edema in my legs...one good thing....the swelling in my right foot has gone down and the leg is slightly smaller. My abdominal and neck incisions are nearly healed...I know, its been a long time...the doctor told me because of my age, immune suppression, and diabetes it would take a long time to heal. I hope that things progress more quickly because Chris' (our youngest son) wedding in Vegas is only 4 weeks off.

Yesterday we got a minor scare....the transplant center called and said that my creatinine and bun was elevated. That can be a sign of rejection beginning; however, it can also be caused by dehydration. So, I proceeded to drink 4 liters of fluid and today my creatinine and bun were better. Hopefully, things will continue to improve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like an excuse to keep drinking! hope that the good levels continue on and on now. Thanks for the update and keep healing.

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, Sandy in an email to me had indicated that you were suppose to be drinking "gallons" of fluids inspite of the edema! Go figure! It is a physiological phenomenon! Me? I had the "teacher phobia".....if I drink, I will have to pee and I can't leave the classroom and arrive at the toilet FAST enough at age 61 before peeing my pants....so I did not drink while I was teaching! Amazing that I had minimal to no infections!
Now we are drinking all the time....Irish whiskey, vodka martinis, rum and coke, bailey's in the coffee.
EVERYTIME I drink a cool refreshing glass of our GOOD well water, I will toast your progress, Dan! Looking forward to seeing you min-November and sharing some laughter and memories and HOPES for the futures of Chris and Sara. mcm

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy....

Glad to hear you took good care of yourselves while we were gone. Hope you'll be ready to party the day away at that wedding.

Cheers......Don and Lora Rae

4:14 PM  

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