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Dan's Kidney

Friday, September 22, 2006

Things Are Going Our Way

Yesterday was the last long day at the clinics for treatments (Yay!!) There is a lot of "hurry up and wait" at those places and then it just takes a certain amount of time for those IV's to drip into Dan. We have been spending seven or eight hour days at UNMC every day and then come home tired. We will keep going to UNMC every day, but it is just for blood tests.

Dan's tests have been coming back with good results...creatnine is 1.2 (1.0 is perfect) and blood titers are 32 (they want 16 but if the creatnine is good then that means his body is "accomodating.") So we still have hope to come home on Tuesday.

Dan is feeling better every day which is really nice to see. His current problem is drainage from the incision. The drainage can soak the hospital scrubs he has been wearing and we could easily change that gauze pad 10 times a day. The medical people have looked at it and says the wound is healing well, there is no infection, and this is normal....but they are looking into something called a wound vac which is expensive, but would help this situation.

Sara is learning more about her future in-laws than anyone would want to know. I don't think the mailing of the wedding invitations has been cancelled. She has been a good sport and a great help to us.

I found myself telling one of the nurses yesterday that I really missed being around the kids at school. Dan gave me kind of a funny look and we laughed about it later....but I do miss them. It is really hard to be around so many very, very ill people. Our room at the clinic was next to a three-year-old getting an IV treatment for cancer and she cried for 45 minutes and just kept saying, "Owee, owee, owee," over and over....and a mother was pushing around a stroller and an IV pole that was hooked up to her nine-month-old who was absolutely motionless...and some of the cancer patients are so thin and move so slowly. It will be nice to see some active, lively, noisy people at school.

Must close. We need to go for the blood tests....but it is a very short day!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Sandy,

I am so glad everything is progressing well. I read your blog everyday and then make a copy to give to Boyd and Betty. The two of you are always in our prayers.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the improvement continues and that you will be going home soon!!!! I know that you will rest and recover better at home and in your own bed. Also Saddie will be spared the vicious elevator rides and can just go out the door in her own yard - and there will be a lot to get checked out there too. Keeping the good thoughts and prayers for complete and full healing.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings you two....great news to hear both of you are doing so well AND are on the verge of returning home to Kearney...so Dan, eat your Wheaties so you can get stronger...you will need all your strength to keep up with the "McDonald Maniacs!"...I bet'cha they are going to talk your leg off :^)...Harlan and Shari

9:42 PM  

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