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Dan's Kidney

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Vistors from Home

Today was a day for visitors which was nice. Jeanine came bearing the game day newspaper and bottles of green tea. Then later Gary and Linda came with a huge banner with signatures from HMS and cards. It was so nice to see friends from home and catch up on news from school. It was very thoughtful of them to hike up to the eighth floor of Clarkson.

We have the Horizon banner up along a long shelf near the top of the wall. It is unfurled so that the picture of Sadie shows up. Some of the comments are a kill...."My grandparents remember you" and "New kidneys rock." The boy from our school that received a liver transplant wrote, "Congratulations on the kidney but livers are better."

Dan talked to the surgeon who is the expert on non compatible transplants. Dan is not exactly following the path others have followed but some people at Johns Hopkins have had the readings he's had and all turned out well....so they will just keep on with the treatments and monitor his progress through blood tests. Then when the treatments are done they will just keep up with the blood tests. (I took this to mean that we could be in Omaha for a while.)

Dan's tired and they are pumping all kinds of fluid in him via IV to keep the kidney working and as a result of that he is puffy and his legs are the size of sequoias.

Dan went to sleep and I left. I was waiting for Joan to swing by and pick me up in front of the hospital. I was sitting on a bench next to another lady who asked where I was from. Well....I was from Kearney and she was from Lincoln. Her husband had a hernia operation and mine had a kidney transplant. I donated a kidney to my husband and she'd donated a kidney to her husband as well (she is an O, the universal donor)....and then she said, "Don't worry, it will get better. My husband had trouble with fluid in the abdomen (!) and with leg swelling (!!) Then a couple of months later everything resolved itself and he felt good."

Wow!! An angel? A coincidence?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANKS for doing this. I'm sure it's somewhat theraputic, but it is really comforting to keep up with your progress.
Think about you all of the time and your journals sound as if you're handling all of this quite well. Keep up the "healing."

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad you're moving forward, detours or not. I hope it keeps getting better and better.

Thanks for keeping us all updated.

It's kind of neat (well, at least it is to me, but then I'm not going through it!!) to think how much future patients are going to benefit from what they're learning from Dan; that because your surgery is fairly new to them, your case is adding sgnificantly to their body of knowledge and experience. You guys just can't stop being teachers, can you?

6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dan and Sandy,
As I keep track of your events and experiences, I am at a loss for words(unusual, I know)to accurately reflect my admiration for your strength.
My prayers are with you. I thank your family for keeping up the watch. We are so very fortunate to be able to keep up with you, from afar.
Best wishes to all.
In closing, with a little moisture obscuring my vision of the game, I am thinking of you Dan and Sandy
jim feighny

3:04 PM  

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