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Dan's Kidney

Monday, September 04, 2006

Tag Team Medicine

Something that I find disconcerting in this process is that we rarely see the same medical person twice in a row. We report to a clinic and see whoever happens to be available and that person may or may not be familiar with our case so sometimes there is miscommunication. This does not inspire confidence in me….I get the feeling that they might be pulling someone in out of the hall to look at me.

Example: Last March they told me that they would remove my left kidney and put it in Dan’s left side. Two weeks ago during the final pre-surgery physical the P.A. told me that they were removing my right kidney. “No it is my left,” I tell her. She flips through my file and says, “No, they are removing your right kidney.” I guess it doesn’t matter, I think to myself.

Well, last Thursday during the final surgeon meeting (we had a substitute surgeon) she matter-of-factly says, …”And we will take out your left kidney….” “Which kidney is it?” I impatiently ask. She flips through the file and states, “Your left.” And I signed a consent form to that effect. I just hope that they don’t take out both kidneys.

Dan tells me that it is this way at the Mayo Clinic and in big teaching hospitals. He has a higher degree of tolerance for it than I do….but I am going to be assertive and form my own tag team to go in if someone on the transplant team goes down.

O.K. if a surgeon goes down then Jim will step in…he should bring his scalpels to Omaha with him and the 70’s music that he listens to during surgery. If two surgeons go down then David will step in. He has his doctorate (juris doctor) and he took Mr. Petersen’s class on dissecting a cat. I figure that that is close enough.

Chris did not take anatomy classes so he will hold the flashlight for his brothers and more importantly he will keep count of the number of kidneys that are removed from me. When one kidney is removed then he will follow that kidney from me to Dan to make sure it gets there.

In all fairness I will say that I have met hard-working, talented, dedicated, extremely careful and precise people. I have faith that they will do an excellent job…but it doesn’t hurt to have a back-up plan.

Other Information:

Dan has a full day of treatments on Tuesday. He will have the two treatments that he usually has plus an IV of anti-rejection medication. He will be in clinics for at least 8 hours. Kids and grandkids will be arriving all day and night on Tuesday.

On surgery day we report to Clarkson Hospital at 7:00am. Sandy’s surgery is from 8:30am to 1:30pm. Dan’s surgery is from 10:30am until 3:30pm. Nurses will call Dave, Jim, and Chris to let them know how things are going.

Dave, Jim, and Chris will call people. Bridget is going to update the blog. Linda will send out an e-mail to those in Sandy’s transplant group.

Sandy will be sent to Clarkson’s fifth floor (don’t know which tower) and Dan will be sent to Clarkson’s intensive care (don’t know which tower.) Sandy will probably be dismissed on Saturday and Dan will probably be dismissed on Monday…depending on how everything goes. Sandy’s sister Joan is coming on Thursday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the back-up team and plans for duties for all. Just make sure Chris has batteries for the flashlight.
A great team surrounds you and many more are there in spirit sending strong vibes that all goes well. I hope you can draw strength from from this circle.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy....Hope they don't find butterflies in there when they open you up. I'm sure you must have some this close to the surgery. Will be thinking about you with love. Lora Rae

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've got everyone in Illinois praying for success. Judy & Ray, Dean & Pam all send their love. Even Danielle who is studying abroad in Africa this semester will be anxiously awaiting news. See you tomorrow.


12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Dan and Sandy,
Our prayers for your transplant are for it to go well and that you will soon be home. For strength and peace I pray for both of you and your family. I can not come down to see you because we take care of our grandchildren in Denver while our daughter teaches next week. May God's blessings of His presence be with you and your surgical teams. Dave and Joan

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Sandy:
keeping you inour thoughts and prayers!! Thanks for the Blog, it keeps me up to date and I don't have to worry that if I call I'm disturbing your much needed rest for the big project the 6th. I'm hopeing that things will sort themselves our and you won't need the plan "B" team to do the job! Pet Saddie for me and Hi to all. Will be seeing you soon.

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We attended a family reunion over the weekend and visited with my cousin and her husband who has diabetes. She will be donating a kidney to him within the next month, so I gave them all the info on your blog. Today I received an email from them saying they found it fascinating and that they almost “know” you guys! They will be checking the blog daily as we all are doing. It is amazing, that even faced with your own ordeal, you are helping others. Thank you. And again, our prayers are with you on your personal journey.
Jim & Sue

P.S. You never can tell when knowing that cat anatomy will come in handy! :)

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Family - I will be on my way through Nebraska tomorrow, staying at Sandy and Dan's Wed. nt.
(unless their cable and the tennis station is not working!)then on to Omaha Thurs. a.m.
The reality of me leaving is finally setting in for my guys, hopefully they will at least take care of my dog - Sammy.
They wonder if I am going to Omaha to take care of Sadie, or Sandy and Dan ! I know I am gladly going to help all three of them.
Plus I look forward to watching the US Open with my Sister.
The apt. does have cable ? Or we're all moving !!
Best of Luck to all tomorrow.
I'll see you Thurs.

11:12 AM  

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