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Dan's Kidney

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sadie the City Dog

Sadie is adjusting well to big city life. When she came she brought her Bronco blanket, her Blue Willow dog dish, some of her toys, and her people. She’s met and enjoyed some of her new neighbors…Ladybug a fluffy dog from New Brunswick, Canada and Tinkerbell a chocolate dachshund. Sadie particularly likes walking on the Papio Creek hike bike trail and enjoys the new smells.

However, Sadie doesn’t like the elevator. When we get on she scoots her butt in the corner and braces her front legs like she going to drop 20 stories. And she still likes to hang her head out the window when we drive to the park…this probably labels her as a country dog.
Bringing Sadie to Omaha was the best decision we made. She walks with Sandy, sleeps with Dan, and makes the apartment feel like home.

Pictures: Sadie in her lavender rhinestone city dog collar (a gift from Kathy’s dog Ruby) and the Papio Creek hike bike trail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadie looks like a city gal with the bling. It's OK to be just a little bit country. And when you get home, you can go to the library and ride the elevator just to show us how you adapted.
Hope the weekend is restful for all.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rinestone collar or just your Bronco blanket, Sadie is welcome ANY day to join me, Bandit, Lucky, and Ellie.......oh yes, their mistress Suzy Ostenson also, for our daily walk in the forest. Sadie, you may have to invest in some good footgear as we (the two-legged) traverse irregular and rocky road. Of course, the canine bound through the forest on pineneedle and grassy carpet. For our two miles, the four-legged probably travel a good 12 miles with impetuous exploration.
Sandy and Dan, our hearts and home welcome you to the He Sapa for rest, relaxation and renewal! mcm

6:25 PM  

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