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Dan's Kidney

Sunday, August 27, 2006

"The Machines"

These are pictures we took of Dan’s treatments on Saturday. The first is of plasmapheresis, the second picture is a close-up of the machine “cleaning” Dan’s blood, and the last picture is Dan receiving Gamunex which replaces the immune system plasma which was taken out during pheresis.

Dan felt good last Friday, then Saturday he was incredibly tired, and today (Sunday) he is very nauseous and has a back ache.

We do try to get out to walk and we have gone to the mall and we visited St. Cecilia one day. It’s just hard when Dan doesn’t feel well.


Blogger Bridget said...

We love you Papa and Grandma!!
Ryan and Alexa

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to send your blog to my brother-in-law, Larry. He is coming up on his first year anniversary post-kidney transplant. Like you, he is diabetic also. He may wish to reflect with you through your blog "having gone before as a pathfinder". As a very dear friend once said to me, "Claire, there is NO way you can understand or empathize with me and my intense back pain; you have never experienced it!!" I love you, Dan and Sandy! mcm

6:40 PM  

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