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Dan's Kidney

Friday, August 25, 2006

Dan Van Winkle

Dan is tired….very, very tired….and he spends a lot of time sleeping…when he’s not nauseous.

It’s been this way for a couple of days. We didn't know if it was from the vein surgery or the blood cleansing or the plasma treatments or the anti-rejection drugs or the flu or the kidney failure. In the end he and his case manager decided the tiredness is from the blood cleansing and the nausea is is caused by the anti rejection drugs and kidney failure.

He doesn’t want to eat…who would when you throw most of it up?….and Jim reminded us that he should keep his strength up for surgery and suggested we try Ensure so we will get that today.

We had a pleasant surprise when we got home from the hospital yesterday. Dan’s coffee group buddy Dave Nordstrom (Padre) drove his Mini Cooper all the way from Kearney just to visit us. It was nice to see a friend and catch up on news. Padre didn’t stay long…as Dan was drifting off on the couch….he said a nice prayer, got back in his Mini Cooper, and drove back.

One final note…the blood cleansing is working. The antibody levels have been cut in half already and they are also reducing the anti-rejection drugs because the dose is too high.

One week has gone by…what a week it’s been.


Blogger Bridget said...

Boy, the kids really miss you guys. I will mail your package of mail today. Hopefully you will be receiving your other mail soon. Take care and we will talk soon.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Saturday, and I wonder about the REST you may be experiencing - physical and mental rest, quiet reflection, time to regroup. Sadie can hear you talk to her on the telephone; or is she reading email nowadays? Thank you Dan and Sandy for being the pathfinders for the rest of us through your blog!
I went over and kissed my husband and gave God thanksgiving for our life together after reading your messages. Shalom, my best beloved! Thank you! The Rosary prayers I utter in full hope and love for the both of you. mcm

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad the part about talking to you guys all night was left out of the hurricane commemoration. You need your rest. It doesn't seem like a whole year has passed since those terrible days. Glad the kids are up north again.
Thanks for the pics of your digs. Sadie looked comfortable.
Wishing you strength and, also, hoping your apetite, and the enjoyment of satisfying it return ASAP.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, I can now have a slim understanding of your fatique! Yesterday I awoke at 8AM; took a nap 12:30P-4:30P, and back to bed at 9PM! It is so awful not to be able to do the activities you want! The brain says "GO" and the body says "NO"! I really admire your strength to have kept up your daily routine for so long! Only one more week to go!
Much Love,

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Sandy - What an adventure (If you can call it an adventure - I'm sure you would probably rather be climbing the Himalayas!!)I have read the postings daily and can't imagine all of the physical as well as emotional ups and downs you are experiencing. It doesn't cme anywhere close to teaching middle school children. I continue to pray daily for both of you and your recoveries.

8:22 PM  

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