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Dan's Kidney

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

Well, this morning was it.....we met with the transplant surgeon...well almost. Actually our surgical team was occupied elsewhere, so we met with a third surgeon (who will be out of town the day of our surgery) to sign consent forms and have a final review. Everything is GO!!! Oh, I almost forgot, the day before surgery, Sandy has one more final final blood crossmatch test. That could stop the transplant but the Dr. assures us that the odds are 1000 to 1 it won't stop things.

My key test number of 16 for B antigen was reached yesterday so the transplant can be performed anytime; however, the date of Sept. 6 cannot be moved up because of advanced scheduling for other patients. This is O.K. with us as Chris and Sara, Dave and Annie, and Jim and Bridget have arranged to be here on Sept. 6th.

We were so excited by the final approval that we celebrated by taking a trip to Walmart to purchase 10 coat hangers, bottled water, a six pack of Colorado Kool Aid, and a tube of Equate anti-fungal athelete's foot cream. It doesn't take much to make a simple country boy happy.

Note from Sandy: I was disgusted that I didn't get to meet with the transplant surgeon today (I couldn't pick her out of a police line-up since the only time I saw her was for five minutes in March.) I had to survive another blood pressure thing...and there were a few other disconcerting things as well. However I am very pleased with the final result.

We are eating at the Olive Garden tonight to celebrate and I've already forwarned Dan that I am ordering everything....appetizer, main entree, wine, dessert,....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another mile marker passed. Too bad we don't have little Lincoln Highway posts to set each time you guys get through one of these stages. The blood pressure test will go well, Sandy.
Besides some rest this weekend - enjoy your Italian celebration.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dan and Sandy (and Sadie),
I have to agree with Rosemary about your writing. You both are so poetic in your musings that a book by the two of you, perhaps facing pages in a journal-type thing to show both your impressions, will be the next big project. Your words bring everyone into your circle so easily.
A trivial note: Sandy, did you see how West Wing was shut out at the Emmys? It was so sad to see them go out with a whimper. Of course, if Martin couldn't win, Kiefer was an excellent choice!
School goes on as usual. Some things hardly change. Today I was explaining to my 8th period class how they need to use the restroom at lunch so they don't have to leave class. I mentioned how they could go before they sit down, or while they're waiting to eat, or after they have scraped their trays. One girl, looking puzzled, raises her hand and says, "We have to go 3 times?"
We know everything will go well on Sept. 6 and how special that your whole family will be there.


3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you were enjoying the delectable cuisine of the Olive Garden, Jim and I savored the cholesterol rich BLTs. It is the first and last BLT for the season as bacon is NOT one of our regular heart-healthy diet items. BUT the last of the four tomatoes that Jerry and Carolyn Menke gifted us with was designated for the BLT. My cholesterol results were AWESOME but exercise certainly will help build those GOOD HDLs. Guess what! NOW I DO have time for the exercise I have wanted.
I am getting sooooooooooo excited for the 6 September 2006. I will be there in spirit with you and the gathered family!
P.S. I also agree with Rosemary and Ann; a book is inevitable. Someway you can make the event work into a "HMS media center reading campaign, you clever ones! mcm

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the best on the 6th. I will be thinking of you both.

5:41 PM  
Blogger Bridget said...

i love you

11:56 AM  

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