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Dan's Kidney

Saturday, September 09, 2006

From One Lockdown to Another

I broke out!! I got out of the hospital and let me tell you it wasn’t a moment too soon. I felt terrible leaving Dan there….but it is every man for himself at this point.

I hated being in the hospital. My floor was very loud and I don’t think I slept for two continuous hours the whole time I was there and I was very ready to get out. It was good to see the friendly faces of Harlan and Herb and Chris and Jon (although I wish their aunt was well.)

Dan was moved from the UNMC intensive care to a step-down unit on Clarkson’s eighth floor. He’s had some kind of up-and-down times (as I did, but not to his extremes.) I felt sorry for him this morning because he had not slept last night because of heart arrhythmia and looked so terrible…but he looked better when I saw him at noon and sounded better when I talked to him on the phone. His kidney function is now normal.

I was going to go back to see him tonight, but felt really tired when I got to the apartment so I decided to cancel the evening trip. Sadie was very glad to see me and ran circles around the apartment greeting me and looking for Dan.

However…..there have been some changes at the apartment. Nurse Joan Ratchett has taken charge. Super nurses Gary and Kathy are sending “suggestions” of things the patient (me) should do so I had to eat soup and I’m supposed to keep blowing in the blower thing and she told Sharon I was taking a nap and couldn’t talk on the phone and there’s more. As for Sadie…Joan makes her ride the elevator even though Sadie would rather take the fire escape and once in a while she forgets to give her a treat after going out (gasp!)

As soon as Sadie and I get our strength up and get organized we plan an overthrow or in the least we will tie the sheets together and go over the edge of the balcony.

Seriously Joan has been great and we did watch tennis together this afternoon and that was a fun thing to do.

Thank you very much for your good wishes. I read all our e-mails and blog posts to Dan over the phone this afternoon and he really enjoyed hearing them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One out and one to go! Hope that they can let him out soon too. Perhaps if you promise to have "Nurse Saddie" lick his wound and otherwise minister to him they will let him out sooner? Sure glad that you both are doing well and wishing you both a quick recovery!
Love, Lynn and Jamie

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're out! I've been refreshing all day and was happy to hear you are "home." I bet it feels good to not be in the hosptital. Will you have someone with you for awhile? I just LOVE reading your entries. Keep them coming!! I just wonder how many people did not know how humorous you are. I knew it and am still enjoying every bit of it!

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go! Out of the big house on time. You have to remember, though, that you and Sadie have to set a good example for Dan. I'm sure he will wish for an escape route soon. Hope there are more up times for him in the next days and that his release is timely, too. Enjoy your much needed sleep and continued progress with your recovery.

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim and I have been traipsing around the country side since your surgery, distributing some furniture pieces to Des Moines and Holdrege and U-Hauling the rest from storage to Custer, SD. Thanking God for the blessings of HEALTH and INSURANCE! Talked to some of The Lodge coffee folk (Gary Z included) and we certainly don't take GOOD HEALTH for granted! mcm

7:32 PM  

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