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Dan's Kidney

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Good Day

A tornado was spotted in SW Omaha last night so they moved all the patients into the hallway basically during the entire third quarter of the NU/USC game....another memory for the transplant memory book. Joan and I were watching the game with Dan. Periodically she would call Gary in Greeley to get the score.

Joan packed up her red Magnum and drove into the west this morning. We will miss her. She was here during a difficult time and we appreciated her caring help. I do have to admit that Sadie and I are anticipating an easier regime with Sara. We don't think Sara will be so bossy.

Dan had a good day that started with Harlan and Shari coming to visit. Shari gave us thoughtful gifts and Harlan brought his famous banana bread and it was so nice to talk with someone from home.

The surgeon who is the non compatible transplant expert came by to visit. I think she would have dismissed Dan today...but Dan wasn't feeling very steady on his feet so we decided to wait until tomorrow. He's had a hard time getting unhooked from all the machines to get up and move about.

I don't blame him for wanting to leave. Today was his 11th day in the hospital.

Thank you for all your cards, e-mails, blog comments,....we truly appreciate them all. I read the e-mails and blog comments to Dan over the phone and we open the cards together. We are so fortunate to have such a caring group of friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure Sadie was sad to see JoAn drive into the sunset...all that time training JoAn and she up and left. Oh well, maybe Sara will be more liberal with the treats!

This next week will be like "changing of the guards", ha! ha! I have total confidence in Sara, remember she has been dealing with Christopher for quite some time!

Dan, I hope you are getting some spunk back. You are a very strong man. My favorite past-time these days is to brag about you and Sandy to anyone who will listen!
Much Love,

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy...
Guess I am not as good at posting as I thought. I wrote a few witty remarks last night, but to no avail so will try to repeat a bit.

We were gone to the Black Hills last week so missed all the news. Apparently there was a bit of a scare and I am glad it was all over with by the time I read the blog.

Sorry about NU...I'm sure if you could have been in front of the TV giving them your full support the score might have been different. At least you don't have to live in Colorado and have to root for CU. We are Bronco fans and that isn't much better.

You two continue to recuperate with the same speed and enjoy your 'vacation' with Sadie.

Love, Don and Lora Rae

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear that everything is looking up finally. I remember when Christine had her kidney surgery--for three weeks she looked horrible and then overnight everything started working and she was back to her normal (????) self. It's great that we have such an outstanding medical facility so close. I loved the comment from Jordan that livers are better. He's a corker!! Take care. Judy

9:05 AM  

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