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Dan's Kidney

Monday, February 26, 2007

Still Here...More Procedures

I will give Dan a break and post this myself....

We were glad for the good news on Friday...no rejection and no e-coli. The kidney however has not fully kicked in so the creatnine is still high and the Transplant Team has taken a "wait and see" attitude. (This happens with ATN.) Also the infection is almost all gone which is good because infection is what scares me.

Meanwhile they want to do a couple of minor procedures to protect against infection and help speed up the recovery from ATN. I think he will be in at UNMC another week.

So I have decided to go back to school in Kearney and return to Omaha on the week-end. Then maybe we can have Dan dismissed to cooperative care where I will be the primary caregiver (they do have a nurse on the floor.)

I certainly hate to leave him....but I need to get back to school and he does have a pretty good set-up here. Everyone (and I mean everyone) knows him plus our new friends Ann and Jerry said they would look in on him. (Jerry is also on Clarkson's fifth floor.) Dan has his laptop and a new Dean Koontz book...he even brought his own electric blanket because he is always so cold and his own TV remote because he doesn't like the hospital's remotes. He's also got a private room because of the infection concerns.

So that is the plan...and it is subject to change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Sandy! It sounds like things are turning for the better,as we are all hoping and praying for them to do and get Dan back hitting on all cylinders again.
I keep the cell phone on all the time so holler if there is anything that I can do - even to just visit. Does Dan have his and is there a good time slot to call?
you are in our thoughts and prayers all the time.

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy...

No rejection sounds very good. It is amazing what medicine can do these days. Doing nothing but lying there reading a book and watching tv can be exhausting. Hang in there...can only imagine how awful it is for you, Sandy, to not be with him.

Love, Don and Lora Rae

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy,
What a long haul. I imagine the medical team is learning a lot from you.
I hope and pray that this time the kidney will kick in fully and you can get back to a more normal life.

Love, Peggy

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping us in the loop. You are certainly writing the book for the med team. Your hard work and tenacity will certainly be an inspiration for others to take the chance.
Take care

1:55 PM  

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