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Dan's Kidney

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Latest News

We got good news here today...

As you recall they pulled the drain from his stomach area. Well unfortunately that area has filled up with as much fluid as he had previously and pushed on the kidney which made it unhappy and caused the creatinine to go up which made him sick so he didn't eat or drink so the creatinine to go up even more and it was just a vicious circle. They will put a drain in tomorrow so that will be good.

The bad infection (VRE) has improved (I think) and he has a new infection which was immune to the tough antibiotic he was taking for the VRE.

They want us to "hang out" until Thursday or Friday when the blood cultures will be back as they want to get a handle on the infection which is O.K. with me. They think we might be dismissed on Friday or Saturday.

Dan and his room-mate are getting along fine....each has a laptop and they've had lots of good conversations. I am trying not buy every cute thing in the gift shop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan...you are an extrodinary man...no common man could endure what all you have been thru...I call it INTESTINAL FORTITUDE!///..we all comment on your progress and hope and pray for smooth sailing down the road...hang in there(both of you)...Harlan and Shari (and Tucker too)

12:00 PM  

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