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Dan's Kidney

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Incredible Shrinking Man

The old body is shrinking.....23 lbs since Dec. 18. I know, it is hard to believe but due to a powerful diuretic, that is how much water I have lost. My left leg is normal size and my right is much improved. I can now go up and down a few stairs at a time, and my walking has improved 500% over the last several days.

Dr. Wakefield removed the drain that was inserted into a hydrocele near my kidney....what a relief not to contend with that anymore.
Yesterday I was able to tie my shoes, do some laundry, and cook supper.......tying the shoes was a huge accomplishment.

In case any of you are interested I found out that the initial cause of my kidney problem in Dec. was a disease called Hemoytic Uremic Syndrome complicated by a very nasty e. coli systemic infection.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan---nice to hear that you don't slosh when you walk anymore. Continue sending us good news.

Lora Rae

9:14 AM  

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