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Dan's Kidney

Friday, April 06, 2007


..to paraphrase Ed G. Well It was great weather...80 degrees so I decided to go get my toy out of winter storage (I hadn't seen it in 7 months), and I felt like acting like I was 16 again out drag racing Ron Weingart and Jim Sorensen.

Well, everything went well. I had a great drive and took the Vette home and parked it. Here is where I went wrong. I decided to go back the the rented garage and make sure it was all cleaned out. To make a long story short, there was a sunken piece of concrete in between the sidewalk and curb caused by the spring thaw, and you guessed it.....I tripped and fell. The end result was severe bruises, cuts, and worst of all, I shattered the bottom of my eye socket. The opthamalic surgeon says that he believes that the socket will heal without reconstructive surgery. I hope he is right.

Everyone have a nice Easter, and remember I'll be keeping an eye out for you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, glad to see that you still have a great sense of humor. I don't ever remember getting a black eye from dancing, although I probably deserved one. You take better care of yourself and have a great Easter. Ed G

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, Dan, Dan....are you sure nobody has put a hex on you?....you are a very strong person for what you have had to contend with (and Sandy too)....don't think we could do as well as you have done, coping with everything and still have a sense of humor about it....we wish you the very best...Harlan, Shari and Tucker too...

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see you "out and about." Two great pictures. They actually say alot. Speaking of old times(sorry Sandi) but Spring does bring shortcomings. Reminder the Spring lunch hour when Gary Shuler was driving his 1957 white Chevrolet convertible and there was the wreck with, I believe, Kelly Davies, Ron Weingardt and was the other Junior Maahs.
When Sandi goes to heaven, there will surely be a special place for her after all of this. Keep the very positive attitude. We send all of the blogs to Judy's mother still and she shares them with Ruby Porter. Everyone is pulling for you Dan.

6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder what the other guy looks like, eh?
I was in that wreck also, as nearly as I can remember...
Happy Easter, keep the ice packs going, and Sandy, don't beat him yet, leave that to me when I drop in on you this summer.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, Dan:
Wish that you had included the before picture of you in the Vett. I'm glad that you sent the explaination before the self portrat - as I'd immediatly assumed that Sandy had finnaly lost her sense of humor. Any how, I'm glad that you both have been able to keep it together through all these bumps in the road. Keep up the positive attitude and I'm sure that with all of us pulling together we can get you through this and back to full speed again.
Pulling and praying for you both.

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan---thanks for giving us the 'heads up' to keep our 'heads down'---when walking anyway. Gosh, the things we need to know and remember at our age. Didn't our moms tell us to watch where we were going?

Glad your sense of humor is intact.

Carry on......Don and Lora Rae

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank GOD I had a HUGE bundle of hubby Jim's clothing in my arms when I "kissed" the rocks on the apt. patio this summer. We were packing a load for the cabin. Bent and scratched the eye glass lens, still have a "dent" in my left lateral thigh, but up and going and looking forward to some GREAT golf this summer - well, FUN times anyway! You too will be tooling around in the Vette gleefully waving to passersby. Your bod knows all about HEALING at this stage of the game, Dan. You DO know about the Law of Attraction? Investigate more at http://www.thesecret.tv/ I will be talking with you both after Monday's doctor visit!

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It actually looks worse than you described it on the phone. One of my law parters was in the office, and asked "what happened to that Japanese guy?" When I told him that it was my dad and he was injured in a fall, the response was "sweet Jesus!" There's nothing more I can add to that sentiment.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, what a time you have had, and Sandy too, but your spirit and determination continues on. Hang in there and thanks for keeping the blog going. What year is your Vette? My brother is in Bowling Green this week watching his Z06 being built. He says he is just a grown up kid in a toy store, as all Vette owners are!!

10:20 AM  

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