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Dan's Kidney

Saturday, November 04, 2006


I want to give you an update on what is happening....
Dan has been struggling for the past week so we came to Omaha for a biopsy on Tuesday evening and on Thursday evening learned that he has a vascular rejection which is an acute rejection (better than chronic.) One of the transplant team said that this is difficult to handle, but they have handled it successfully in the past.
He will have eight days of treatments....two different kinds of anti-rejection medications plus blood cleansings. There could be more treatments or there could be less....it all depends on the blood tests. We started in on the process this morning at 6:15am and (if we are lucky) he will be done at 10:00pm. If his blood pressure goes up they stop the IV for a while until his body recovers. Today's treatment is the longest one we will have. They had to put a line back in his neck for the treatments.
We kind of go in and out of being discouraged....and communication around here is as poor as usual which isn't really helping. However, basically we understand that this happens and we are glad that there is something they can do about it....and it is good that they are treating it aggressively. This happens to people that are not non-compatible donors....but it is more likely to happen if we are non-compatible like we are.
One doctor explained it to us....much the same way it was explained to us in the past...the body tries to reject a foreign object over and over. After a while the body will simply accept the kidney. This has gone on for months for some people. When the blood tests say that Dan is O.K. then we can go home....and if blood tests in Kearney show that rejection is happening again then we will come back to Omaha for more treatments.
We are staying at the Lied Center which is handy because it is attached to the hospital. Jim is coming up tonight or tomorrow morning with Dan's drugs from home (we only brought stuff for about 3 days) and a laptop that Dan can use.
If everything seems to be going well then I will come home on Sunday afternoon so I can go to school on Monday. If Dan doesn't feel well then I will stay in Omaha.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. We appreciate it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Sandy.
Although I certanly hated to hear it. Hoping that they will be able to handle the rejection with the meds and that it dosen't turn out to be an extended process. Praying for a quick recovery. Call if there is anything that I can do.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. I think that I mentioned before that rehab is like dancing (two steps forward and one step backwards). In case you could use some humor, about a month ago I was touring through Southern Utah on my motor bike and I ran into a cow. Needless to say I've been the brunt of cow jokes. By the way, the cow is fine, after he knocked me down and into the ditch, he ran away. Please let me know if there is any thing that I can do for the two of you. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Take care and get well,
Ed Greivel

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy.......so the things we worry about most really can happen. You've come too far now to not have this be successful. Sorry you have to endure this. Praying really hard for you here in Colorado.

Don and Lora Rae

6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't really like the news but we appreciate knowing about it. You are both in our prayers.

Unlike your prior posting, I recently rode my motorcycle home from Colorado to Oregon through southern Utah and didnt't hit a single cow, but only because the cows cooperated. I did have an encounter with a local police officer wielding a radar gun, however. He also cooperated by saying he wouldn't ruin my trip home by giving me a ticket. Like Ed Grievel's cow, I took this opportunity to to run (slowly) away.

We are hoping for good news. Our love, prayers and best wishes are with you.

Glen & Yvonne Anderson

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan this is Rose.
We are praying for your recovery and know that He is the only one who can do that.
I believe that my God is the healer and great physian. He also has great plans for you he is not finish with you. Keep up your faith. and we will believe with you. keep us informed. We will keep you in our daily prayer. Rose

1:07 PM  

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