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Dan's Kidney

Monday, November 06, 2006

How Far Did the Bear Run Into the Woods?..........

Now I feel that I can answer that question from first hand knowledge....I seem to have reached the half way point and am now heading out of those woods. My legs are much better, I can actually put on my own socks and shoes; the wound has quit draining; and the best news of all is..........the rejection of the kidney has stopped.

Dr. Wrenschall, the guru of transplant immunology sent a Dr. to my hotel room (Yes, it is true Virginia, there is a Santa Claus) to see me this evening to explain that my rejection has disappeared. All drug therapy has been cancelled; however, I will undergo two more plasmapheresis treatments to make absolutely sure that all B antigens are gone from my blood. They were able to determine that I did not have vascular rejection...that was the best news I could hope for.

Thanks for all the prayers...medical science can only do so much. I'll keep you updated on this continuing saga.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been following your ups and downs and being a couple of old fogies didn't know quite what to say or how to say it. Well here it is you and sandie are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. We wish you a wonderful future. Hang in there and feel all of the good vibes being sent your way.
Karen and Al Heinz

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great News! I've been thinking about you the last few days so it was good to hear that things have turned around. Did you get a chance to see the Bronco game or were you taking a treatment? Take care and get yourself in shape for the wedding. Best Regards. Dave Race

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy.........In retrospect it seems impossible that your body would reject Sandy's kidney. After all, you two are one and the same! How encouraging to know that you are so loved by the Class of 1960.
This is going to work! Don't you have a reservation in Vegas soon? So many reasons to get well.

Don and Lora Rae

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Sandy,
This is marvelous news! We have been praying for you. Surely this is a sign that things will go well from this point forward. Stay strong and know that many, many people are thinking about you and sending best wishes your way.
Cheryl and Jim Rook

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic!! We've been thinking about you both quite a bit and hoping that this outcome would come to be. It looks like a whole class pulling for you is an overwhelming force and everyting will work out in the end. keep up the good work and continue to heal. Hearing bout the shoes is really positive. Keeping you on the top of my list!

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dan and Sandie:

Great news. I image when you say the Dr. come to your door you wondered what? The only person your age that I know who couldn't put on his shoes and socks was Lloyd Hillyer.

Keep up the good work and have a good time in Las Vegas.

Judy and Doug

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will keep it brief: Hooray!! Hang in there.

Yvonne & Glen

8:08 AM  

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