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Dan's Kidney

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday update

Still continuing my treatments for both kinds of kidney rejection. Hopefully, after tomorrow's tests they can determine the exact type of rejection. It could be B Cell or T Cell...the T Cell is easier to treat, but they suspect that it is B Cell vascular rejection. In this type the kidney basically tries to destroy itself.

Today's treatment was only 6 hours....yesterday's was 15 hours long. Tomorrow should be about 5 hours....Yeah!!!! It is pretty quiet here as Sandy has returned to Kearney, so if any of you are in the Omaha area, I will treat you to dinner at the UNMC cafeteria. Actually it is not too bad.

Thanks to all of you who have written....Ed, watch out for those cows, you don't need anymore broken bones; Glen, watch out for those Smokies and those radar guns...they like senior citizens on motorcycles; and Lora and Jamie thanks for the kind thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,

I've been keeping up with your progress via word from Robyn. The days that are hopeful are cause for elation, the not-so-good days a cause for worry. Concurrent with others responses, I, too, wish you a complete and speedy recovery.

Being a witness and participant to the turns that life tosses out has led me to reflect on the role you played in my own history. There could not have been anyone luckier than myself to have had 'assigned' as cooperating teachers you and Rich Froid. When I go back and recall those days it is with such a sense of gratitude that I was fortunate enough to have had two professionals such as you and Rich to model for me what an ideal teacher should be. I obviously didn't have a clue what was involved in teaching, and both of you provided a great environment where it was possible to watch, experience, and hopefully learn what it takes to be an educator. I don't know if I ever thanked you for sharing your knowledge and guidance; I do know that I have always been grateful that I was lucky enough to have had you as a mentor.

Best wishes in this latest round of health worries.

One of the lucky ones,

Mark Lind

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dan and Sandy,
Getting on board with the rest to wish you the best in your battle to recover. This is a real fight...I am glad you have such a good team and so many supporters close by. We are all thinking of you both.
jim feighny

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dan and Sandy:

Our prayers and thoughts are with you. It is my experience that is just takes us old "guys" to recover any more. You will do it!!

Judy's mother spent a week with us recently for some surgery and recovery. We have given her all of your blog information even after she went back to Julesburg. She tells us the time when you were young, around 5 or 6, went to the Texaco station and masterfully did a grease gun application. You probably decided then you didn't want to go into the auto business.

Best of Luck.

Judy and Doug Whitten

10:14 AM  

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