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Dan's Kidney

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Impatiently Still in the Hospital

Dan is still in the hospital even though things are going well....white blood cell count is up, red blood cell count is up, creatinine level is down,...he has a cautious internist and that's O.K. with me even though Dan is more than ready to come home. They put a pic (sp) line in his arm so that he can take antibiotics intravenously for two weeks (out-patient.) Plus he can go to the wedding although we might stay an abbreviated length of time in Las Vegas. We are concerned about infection and he doesn't have much energy.

We watched Kearney High School play in the state high school football finals at Memorial Stadium on ETV last night. It was a good game and Kearney won. I was just waiting for him to recount memories of the Julesburg Lions playing in sand burrs and the Beecher Island football game, but he didn't bring it up.

I'm sure you will know when he is home...he will be burning up the computer. They were not able to get Jim's old laptop hooked up in the hospital room....and I know Dan is going through computer withdrawal. I ran off a copy of your replies and took it to him yesterday. He enjoyed reading them.

Dr. Hranac says that Dan will be released on Sunday and we will hold him to that. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Sandy
Sounds like he is on the mend and that makes me feel better, paticularly if he in in computer withdrawal things must be getting better.Keep digg' Dan and get out of that place where they won't let you rest and get home where you can.

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Sandy and Dan:

Great to hear Dan is progressing again. Sandy, you have no idea how bad the playing conditions were at Beecher Island. Dan, being very good at describing events, can in no way accurately describe how bad it was. Why anyone had a battle there is beyond my imagination. The football game was HELL.

Get well. Have a tremendous time in Las Vegas.

Doug and Judy Whitten

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Glad to hear that your getting out of the hospital on Sunday. Just in time for the Bronco game! Hang in there and get lots of rest. Best regards. Dave Race

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sandy,
Thanks for the update...now about that Beecher Island game....God, I had put that out of my mind until 2003 or 4 when I came to visit you guys. Dan went over the whole thing..stuff I had no recollection of suddenly was there...I laughed till I cried that night. The History teacher never fogot anything..amazing.
Say hi and get well Dan,

11:12 AM  

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