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Dan's Kidney

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Decisions to Make

First the good news - Dan tolerated the last dialysis treatment well....better than the other two. We are taking this as a sign of progress which is good.

Next - We learned from UNMC that the transplant team wants to take out the kidney....the question is when. As I said before....we are not surprised to hear this but it is very hard news to take. Another concern is Dan's strength...how well would he tolerate another surgery?

We've decided that we need to talk to more people before we make this decision. We have an appointment at the medical center on Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so sorry it has come to this. It is a helpless feeling to know our friends are going through this horrible time in their lives and there is just nothing we can do. Will continue to pray for you all.

Bless you.......Don and Lora Rae

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you may have to go through another surgery. I know that it's not much fun but hopefully removing something from your body that's not working will be a politive step. You work on getting yourself strong and healthy and we'll take care of the praying.

Take Care----Ed and Vicki Greivel

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, Sandy:
I guess that we all have been afraid that things could get to this point. Medicine and what we can do in this day and age has reached a fantastic level whie along with it comes some really frustrating questions. Hopeing that your Docs can use all their wisdom and insight to get you back on track. Lynn's Bro says that a teaching center is the optimum place to be when problems like yours come up and it sounds like you are at one of he best, so hand in there and let them get you figured out.
Love adn prayers,
Lynn and Jamie

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was up in CO for mom's birthday (89) and Mother's day when I cought up with the news. Sorry to hear this, but rest assured, you do have the best team on it and a bunch of friends and family pulling and praying for you both.
Hang tough,
jim feighny

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are wise to seek additional input on this matter. In a way, however, we hope all parties agree on the course to take. That might make the decision easier, although not easy. You are going to emerge from all this better than ever and of course you are both in our thoughts and prayers.

Rich & Annette

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy and Dan:

It has to feel as though someone took a bat and beat you. Judy and I are very distrught over this news and can totally understand your thorough reseach on the next steps. The two of you deserve better.

You both know anyone in the Class of 1960 will be more than happy and willing to help you in any way. Just ask. You have battled and accomplished so much in the past 2 years.

God Bless,

Judy and Doug Whitten

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish there were better news for you! Sending my best thoughts, as always.

4:52 PM  

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