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Dan's Kidney

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It Went O.K.

Dan had dialysis yesterday....and it was O.K. The nurses were nice as were the facilities, the needles weren't too bad, and most importantly he felt good when it was done. He walked out much more easily than he walked in which was heartening.

We ran some errands since he felt well and then when we got home he "hit the wall" and was very, very tired...which was to be expected. His next dialysis is Friday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope that you are doing better today! Hated to hear that things are to that state - at least we now have the capability to deal with the problems in this day and age. Finally had time to get a line off to you, sorry that it took so long, we did Memphis in May music over the weekend so still trying to catch up with everything. Great music, will get some copies off to you in a week or two, I did some shopping on Beal St.
Sandy, hope that you are holding up through all this! Glad that you are working where you can get the time that this all has required. Hope that things will settle down for you both and that we can get him back to good health again!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you both and looking forward to seeing you soon.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We hope this results in many good days ahead for you both!

Rich & Annette

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dan and Sandy.......Gosh, I leave town for a few days and this happens. We are so sorry it has come to this, however, if your life improves a bit while you are on "the list" again, then that is very good, too.

The USA is big and most of it can be seen from your car window. That is always an option...doesn't include getting to Paris, though, but hopefully someday that will happen again.

Will continue to pray and hope for you. You're two tough cookies.

Love, Don and Lora Rae

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy,

Well, a new phase. You have to do what you have to do, right? Good that you feel better after the treatments. Hope the tiredness subsides after your body get used to it.

Hang in there. Peggy

5:46 PM  

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