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Dan's Kidney

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Home Again

Many people said, "Hope to see you soon!" when we left UNMC on Saturday...meaning they hoped Dan got a transplant soon and returned to the hospital under happier circumstances. I hope that is true...but for the moment we are glad that he is simply feeling well.

We have unpacked and are getting back into our routine. Dan had dialysis yesterday and he's hit his target weight so they are not taking so much fluid off him (which made him tired.) He's had company and phone calls so he's been busy during the day and is tired at night.

We really dreaded and feared the kidney removal...it just seemed so final....but the goal has always been for Dan to feel well so we are still achieving that goal. An unexpected benefit of this whole experience is the support and encouragement of family and friends....for such an extended period of time. Thank you for being there for us...it has been the greatest gift of all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So welcome home....where all the ordinary things of life seem special once again. Enjoy---and I do hope they see you again soon.

Love, Lora Rae

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dan and Sandy,
Welcome home, stay strong and know that we are thinking of you.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Sandy,
Great to hear that you're feeling bettter and that you're home. I bet that it's a great releif to get off all the anti rejection drugs. Enjoy your family, dog and car and continued improved health.
Take Care, Ed and Vicki

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its sounding good. Hope to see you soon.

Rich & Annette

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dan and Sandy....Hey, hey, hey...so GLAD to hear everything went so well....even Tucker's tail is wagging at the good news....eat your "Wheaties" now Dan and gain your strength back....we have been thinking positive about your "trials and tribulations" and wish you all the best....Harlan and Shari and Tucker too!

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad your back home. We are too. A grueling week, but am not telling you ANYTHING. Thanks for the card. I'll call.


11:39 AM  

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