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Dan's Kidney

Friday, June 01, 2007

Three Times a Week

Well we’ve been on a tour of medical facilities and in a nutshell there is good news and bad news….

Bad News: Dan has severe anemia, infection, poor dialysis coverage, a pocket of fluid near his lungs, and severe malnutrition.

Good News: They are doing something about all of this. He’s had a blood transfusion and an IV of antibiotics. Unfortunately he needs dialysis three times a week to get the coverage he needs and hopefully all of these things will help with the nutrition.

I felt really guilty about the nutrition part and I would like to go on record as saying that I really tried in this area….even though he wasn’t hungry. However, Dan got so run down that his body couldn’t make good use of the nutrients and somehow the improved dialysis coverage will help with this.

We are sad that he needs dialysis three times a week. It will certainly cut down on flexibility, but if he feels better then it will be worth it.

Personal Aside: I continue to be impressed with Dan’s personal courage and his indomitable will. He still has a sense of humor about things and never gives up. He is a very strong man that I am proud to have married.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dan and Sandy:
Thanks for keeping us updated! Hate to hear some of the news and we are pulling and praying for your return to goood health. It's been kind of hechtic around here too, I'll give you a call and catch up again one of these evenings.
Dan, as the racers say "keep on digging" and we'll get you through this.
Sandy, hang tough and keep him together. I can imagine what a strain allthis has been. You've been fantastic support, keep up the good work.
Hope to see you both before long.
Jamie and Lynn

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy and Dan.
Sorry to hear you are on the down hill side of this horrid situation. Surely there isn't anywhere to go but up now!
We think of you everyday and open your blog the first thing when I turn on the computer.
I enjoy going to http://www.angelfire.com/folk/spearsgang/NostalgiaOGS.html to read your memories on Julesburg? That is a very nice web page, complete with Dan's picture! I'm sure you posted it--or did Spears' do that? It is always a nice trip down memory lane for me.
You are both an inspiration to all of us.
Still praying for you here in Holyoke, CO. Now get better.......

Love, Don and Lora Rae

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will keep you in prayer as I do with my son that is 21 and also on dialysis due to FSGS. You can read my journal I have made for him. Its on www.caringbridge.org click on visit and type his name is dustincowen. Leave us a comment in the guestbook.
Lori/Indiana mom to Dustin 21

6:35 AM  

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