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Dan's Kidney

Monday, July 09, 2007

Fourth of July Fun

Sorry we haven't posted for so long....it took us a while to recover from the Fourth of July.

Dave, Annie, Josh, Kate, and Abby came to Kearney for the Fourth of July. They joined up with Jim, Bridget, Ryan, and Alex plus Chris and Sara...plus a couple of dogs...and fun was had by all. We went swimming, played in the park, had water gun fights, played on the slip n' slide, did chalk drawings, went to the Big Apple fun center, plus hauled out the legoes, Lincoln Logs, and dolls....you get the point.

Poppa Dan was a trouper...even though he had just had surgery he attended a lot of the activities and even won the ladder ball tournament (unique game) at Jim and Bridget's barbeque. He beat out 19 people...including the young athletic types.

Dialysis is going well. We are doing some pre-transplant testing because you have to qualify every year (thank goodness they are letting us do this in Kearney.) His 17 staples will probably come out Thursday which will be nice.

So all is quiet now that everyone has gone home....and all is well.

Josh, Ryan, Alex, and Kate

Abby in the park

Dan, Dave, and Chris

Jim with Dan, the victorious ladder ball champion,
and runner-up Shane


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How great to hear of "normal" family activities starting to take front and center. Keep getting better, Dan.

Rich & Annette

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy..........what a great blog to read. I can see you have a lot of reasons to keep fighting. Very nice family and we know nice families do not happen by sheer luck. You look good Dan and will surely feel better without 17 staples weighing you down. You two carry on.

Love, Don and Lora Rae

9:12 AM  

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