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Dan's Kidney

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Well, I'm back in the saddle again doing some more activities and wonder of wonders we went to Omaha to visit friends who flew in from Vegas. What an experience....going to Omaha for fun, not medical procedures. Oh yes, did I mention that I felt so good that we took the Corvette! The Vette has only 3 inches of ground clearance, so I felt like a pretzel by the time we got home, but what a fun drive.

I had to be back on Fri. for dialysis so we could only stay one night......but that is better than nothing.
We will probably try to go to Julesburg for the Lanckriet family reunion in a couple of weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Glad your feeling better and taking a few trips. Hope the rest of your summer goes well.

Dave Race

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

It's great to see you out having fun again. Hope that you can make the trip to Julesburg for your family renuion. Don't get any speeding tickets in that vet.

Take Care, Ed Greivel

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See if Greg Lanckriet remembers his old social studies teacher! Have fun!

Rich F.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a Lanckriet and I've never played one on TV, but I've been married to a Lanckriet descendant so long I can almost remember, unaided, how to spell it! I'm really looking forward to seeing you in Juleburg.


11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,
Haven't been on the computer for several weeks as we've had company, company and more company. 13 in all. Two grandkids from Germany are still with us for another 2+ weeks. Lots of fun.

Glad things are going well. Enjoyed the family pictures.


2:40 PM  

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