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Dan's Kidney

Monday, October 01, 2007

October Update

Things are going well. There is a lot to report....

Dan is feeling well and is doing more and more every day. He has reason to believe that wait may not be as long as we previously thought....perhaps a year. So we are very happy about that. Of course, Dan reminds me that it would still need to be a good match.

He's also had good test results and they might even cut back on the amount of time that he does dialysis.

We went to the Nebraska/USC football game with our friends Dick and Sharon. I was probably the happiest person there. I was just glad to be out doing something "normal" even though Nebraska lost badly.

Last week-end we went to Chicago to visit Dave, Ann, Josh, Kate, and Abby. We drove down (fast) in the Corvette on Friday after dialysis and came back on Sunday. We had a great time on Saturday going to a flag football game and a soccer game. The kids had a card and a cake for Dan's birthday (65) and we went out to eat at a fancy Italian restaurant in downtown Chicago.

So things are going well. We appreciate the way that our family and friends are hanging in there with us and we often think of your words of support.