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Dan's Kidney

Friday, December 28, 2007

(See Photo)

We had a very nice time on the days preceding Christmas and on Christmas Day. Chris and Sara came down early because Chris was in a wedding so we did different things together and attended Christmas Eve services.
We were joined by Jim, Bridget, Ryan, and Alexa on Christmas Day. There was good food, fun with the grandkids, and presents. Dan got a Dogpatch Band wind-up toy similar to the one he had as a small child. It is pretty cool….there is Daisy Mae playing the piana, Granny on top of the piano, Grandpa playing the drums, and Lil Abner dancing.
The Christmas gathering ended by opening Nerf guns from “Santa” and the traditional Nerf gun fight which involves rampaging around the house and widespread chaos
Unfortunately we were unable to go to Chicago as planned. We had hoped to see Dave, Ann, Josh, Kate, and Abby. We wanted to celebrate Dave’s new partnership, look at the house they hope to buy, and hang out with the grandkids….but Dan didn’t feel well and I didn’t think I could make the entire drive myself.
Dan’s blood pressure has been low, his creatinine high, and his hemoglobin is low. All this means that he has been very tired. It is a delicate balance keeping all these systems in synch.
One of the frustrating things about this experience is the daily ups and downs. Some days dialysis goes well, Dan feels great, and he does things afterwards. Other days it wipes him out because something is out of balance. It is hard to plan for things. However we both feel it is important to keep trying to do “normal” things and not let the disease rule our lives. We plan to go to Chicago over my Spring Break.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas. Wishing you a Happy New Year. Incidentally, in a few days we will celebrate our 29th anniversary........29 years with the most wonderful woman on the face of the earth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, the picture looks great. You don't look any older than the rest of us. "We are all getting older,thank God".

Vicki and I just spent a week on Mich. Ave. in Chicago with our grandsons school orchestra. They performed in the Downtown Hilton Grand Ballroom for the International Midwest Music Clinic. My son, another parent and myself had to drive the 8 bases and 15 chellos to Chicago in heated cargo vans and had to drive straight through so that the instruments would't freeze. I did think of you as we were passing through Kearney. It's probably a good thing that you have to wait for spring break to go to Chicago as it was very very cold in December.

I pray that your health continues to improbe in 2008 and that you get a lot of use out of your corvet.

Take care and God bless---Ed &Vicki Greivel

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Sandy.........I guess you are young at heart for sure with that stylish whisker-thing you have going there. Very interesting and actually quite handsome, too. You do look well. Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas at home. I have had trouble getting my focus back after Christmas. So have fallen behind on a lot things....HMM! Maybe I am getting old, too. Usually I am really clicking. Don't blame all of your maladies on that nasty disease...might just be age. Hope you guys continue to hang in there this year and hopefully it will fly by before we know it. Time seems to do that at this age.

Thanks for the update...Carry On in true Dan style.

Don and Lora Rae

5:03 PM  

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