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Dan's Kidney

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Spring Update Etc.

How time flies.....I can't believe that it has been so long since I posted. Not much is new, I am still waiting for a kidney donor....I have been on the list for 3 years now. Hopefully it will happen sooner than later as every day a kidney patients health gets worse. Fortunately I am doing rather well. It may be a toss-up which lasts longer...my 401 or my life.

The big news in my life is that I caught shingles in late Jan. They are a bitch....I had an average case, but the medication Valtrex proved to be more than my body could handle without kidneys, so I ended up in the hospital for 3 days. I was hospitalized for two reasons. One was the terrible pain I was in and the other (don't laugh) was, I was having hallucinations. Now I know what a bad trip really is. Three straight days of dialysis brought my system around and recovery was fast. I still have residual pain occasionally along the nerve path from my sternum to my spine. If you have not had the vaccination for shingles, please get it now!!! Everything you have heard is true...it is the worst pain you will ever experience. One of my doctors, a lady doc, said the only thing close is childbirth. A few are lucky and have very little pain, but don't take the chance.

Other than that not much has happened. Sandy is eagerly awaiting the end of school and Sadie continues to enjoy life going on walks and lying in the sun.....come to think of it, that describes me also.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan-----glad to see your cheery attitude has not been affected.

Will continue to hope the kidney comes through very soon for you.

Take care you two.........Don and Lora Rae

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, It is good to see that you posted. I have not seen you on Nihonto MB so I was concerned. I hope you and your family are well now. Take care my friend, it would be good to hear from you again.
Nathan Taylor

1:42 PM  

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