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Dan's Kidney

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Like the Energizer Bunny.......

.....I seem to keep going and going and getting stronger each week. Dialysis is still going well, although I can not get used to the damn needles. We went to the family reunion last weekend and had a great time. I saw cousins that I had not seen in 47 years....Harold and Susie, and it was wonderful to see Jim and Cheryl again. Jim and Cheryl, you should be very proud of your daughter Stephanie, she is a wonderful gal and I bet a terrific teacher. We enjoyed a nice visit with Ruby P. and Phylis K.

Sunday morning we all climbed Boot Hill in Ogalalla......as long as I can walk back down I figure it was a successful venture. I have been doing my mile walks again and have begun to lift weights again. I hope I continue to improve as we have tickets for the Southern Cal --Nebraska football game in a couple of weeks.

Finally, here is a pic for all of you who graduated from SCHS.......this business was frequented by a number of us late at night for burgers and Pepsi. Who can tell me what it was and where it was? Hint....it was about 13 miles from Julesburg.